Monday, November 3, 2008

Did 'ja Vote?

In most campaigns on election day, Dean is heard to say (often!) ... "If you vote my way, vote early and vote often! If you vote the other way, vote Thursday!" We learned in the 2000 election how important our vote was ... we were the deciding vote after all! (Hey! I waited in line for over an hour, with a 4 year old, at a water reclamation plant that smelled like raw sewage and was attacked by mosquitoes. Don't say it wasn't our vote that won the election!) Tonight we are on the eve of the election ... and I am not nervous of what tomorrow holds. Why? Because God already knows the answer. God already has THE plan figured out. God has chosen the man who will lead our country for the next 4 years ... for better or for worse. Our church published a list of things that WILL happen no matter who is elected President tomorrow ...

10. The Bible will still have all the answers.
9. Prayer will still work.
8. The Holy Spirit will still move.
7. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
6. There will still be God-annointed preaching.
5. There will still be singing of praise to God.
4. God will still pour out His blessing to His people.
3. There will still be room at the cross.
2. Jesus will still love you.
1. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him!

We still pray for God's perfect person for this time in our country. Love or hate George W. Bush, no other man could have stood on September 11th and kept our country from crumbling. No one else could have stood on top of a fire truck or on a baseball mound and brought hope to this country. He was God's man for that time in our country. We pray that no matter who it is, that he would be so humbled that he would seek God's wisdom. We pray that whoever it is will be wise enough to protect our country and wise enough to lead our country ... fairly. We selfishly pray for wisdom in the area of taxes. We pray that whoever would continue to stand behind Israel ... tonight my parents are there and we pray that the world will continue to see the arms of America hugging that patch of land tightly. We pray that this decision will not drag out for months ... but rather that there is a clear winner (tonight it was predicted that it could be a split of the electoral college ... which means that the Senate would decide our president ... a Senate that is divided in half ... which would give the deciding vote to Dick Cheney. Perhaps poetic justice?!) For 2 years we have waited for tomorrow ... I think I am ready for the longest presidential campaign in the history of the world to be over! Until tomorrow!

1 comment:

grannimcd said...

I could practically hear the sounds of "Go Bless America" wafting in the background as I read your very eloquent and articulate words regarding the election of 2008. Thanks for inspiring and comforting us all. Way to go, girl!