Monday, December 31, 2012

Letting Go

Well, it is the eve of a new year ... and I doubt I am alone when I say I will be glad to see this year go. Or, at least this fall. Hard. Unending. Exhausting. Queen Elizabeth said it best when she called a year "annus horriblilis" ... I do not know the Latin word for fall, but, you get the picture.  

So, 2013 the Townsend's welcome you. Gladly. With open arms. We know there is much we are already looking forward to in 2013 ... Torrey turning 17, Amanda's graduation, Houston Project, Rush Week, Torrey's Senior year, college applications, 21st wedding anniversary, BIG family Christmas in Texas (if I put it on my blog maybe it will come true) ... and, perhaps the biggest is the return of the blog. I have missed the outlet ... but, when you have been away as long as I have, how in the world do you come back? Quietly? With a bang? Or, do you just act like you have never been gone and people who think otherwise are crazy? I'll choose to come back quietly ... not that anyone is still reading this thing anyways.

I am also going to attempt the picture a day project again ... one of these years it WILL happen. This may be the year. But, those of you who know me well will not be holding your breath. Whatever.

I titled this post "Letting Go" ... because along with letting go of the fall, there is something else I am letting go of ... my deep hatred of the Proverbs 31 woman.

And, as a girl who is in love with Jesus, it is freeing to admit that I can't stand that chick.  Or rather, couldn't stand her.  Because she for real was making me feel less than.  And, then I read this blog post and cheered. And fell in love with her ... and the blessing that she was intended to bestow upon women except we have been too busy trying to live up to her to accept that blessing. 

So, get yourself a cup of coffee and read that post and let go of some things that are making you feel like you are less than what you are and who God intends you to be ... and join me in claiming eshet chayil for yourself in 2013.