Monday, October 19, 2009

So I Asked Carly What She Wanted for Her Birthday

And, I should have known better. Really.

Here's how it went down. First of all Jen was on the cell phone on the way home from swim lessons. Carly was giving her list through the speaker phone. Um, a few of her "must haves" were vetoed by the "powers that be". Mainly Jen and me.

Here is her list ... in the exact order she gave it to me.

1. phone
2. $100
3. a cousin

So, I hope you enjoy the $100, Carly. Uncle Dean will be so happy to send it to you!


Jennifer McGregor said...

you forgot, "... or a brother". Vetoed by ME!

Al & Judy Melton said...

I didn't know you could ask for a "cousin" or "brother" as a birthday gift ... both of which translate into "grandchild" for us... Carly, you go girl! Look at the money you could save... it could be grammy's birthday gift too!

Dean T. said...

I hope Carly isn't expecting her Uncle to come through with $100. If she is, she might be disappointed with the monopoly money...