Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Heart's Desire

I long to be a "master teacher". I want to be so good at what I do that I inspire others to give it a whirl. I, personally, do not feel that I am there yet. And, quite frankly, I am not sure I will ever feel that I have arrived at the status of "master teacher".

Oh, I have known many in my time. Amazingly, many of them were Torrey's teachers. Oh, we have been blessed indeed. I could go on and on and on about how Mrs. Cline and Mrs. Burch and Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Bamford and Mrs. Stokes changed our lives. And, do I really need to say that one of Torrey's treasured possessions from Second Grade is her Presidential Fitness patch from Coach Sagraves? These sweet ones have left their fingerprints all over my child ... and, she is better for it!

And, I long to join their ranks. Maybe one day. Maybe.

I am thinking that tomorrow may not be the day I suddenly become a master teacher, however. It is "Bug Day" in Kindergarten and my sweet friends will be bringing in bugs ... that I have reminded them at least 10 times a day MUST be dead. It doesn't need to be said that I will be glad, glad, glad when tomorrow is over. I have thanked God many a time that spiders are not insects. Because a collection full of giant Texas spiders would have sent me over the edge!

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