#1 I do not really know so much about football ... will it bring world peace? or a shorter line at Target? I don't think so. I know that when the guy in the striped shirt holds both his arms up in the air, half of the people watching the game will be happy ... the other half, not so much (or, in the case of last night, do naughty things with their fingers).
#2 I do not like cold weather. And, it was really cold last night. The roof of Reliant Stadium was damaged during Hurricane Ike (oh, how we curse you Hurricane Ike!) ... so, there we sat like idiots in the cold. Now, to our favorites reading this from New Hampshire or colder ... we know that temperatures in the 40's are not so cold to you, but, to put it in perspective, temperatures in the summer of 100 are really not so hot to us. Thankfully, Linda had the sense to bring blankets and socks ... otherwise I would not be writing this post because I would have frostbite. I really need to buy a warm coat ... maybe that should be point #3.
#3 We could have put our names in for a chance to win tickets to go watch the Texans play on Lambeau Field next week. We did not even put our names in the hat because we know that Lambeau Field is in Wisconsin ... and, if I was struggling through a game in the cold in Houston, Texas, what would I be like at a game in Wisconsin?!
#4 Parking was a bit of a challenge because of tailgaters. For some reason Dean did not want to park his precious by the open fires. Scaredy Cat!
#5 And, speaking of tailgaters ... what's with that? They were out there for the ENTIRE game. I thought the point of going to the game was to go inside and watch the game. Who knew that some of Houston's happenest night spots were in the parking lot of Reliant Stadium.
#6 Seriously, I was a bit freaked going into the game. There were a lot of people who were trying to get in and the vast majority had just spent hours at Houston's happenest night spot (see above post).
And, so, I decided that while I really had fun at the game last night, I will watch from home. Because we all know I really only watch for the commercials!
1. Make list of 100 things to do
2. Go to Texans game on Monday night in freezing temperatures
Hey that's funny, I was at the Bucs game on Sunday. Of course I was sitting at the game in the wind and rain, so mine was worse!
You better mean it was -40 if your saying it was cold !!!
And do you have any clue what tickets to a Lambeau game are going for here? You could have sold those puppys in a heart beat had you put your names in the hat....and then you would have had more then enough to buy some long underwear and a warm coat . :)
Thanks for not mentioning that we didn't get to the stadium in time for the first Texans TD b'cuz Paul and Linda were extremely late and didn't have a parking pass of their own so they had to ride with us. And that the parking was a nightmare mostly b'cuz of our lateness in arriving at the stadium!!!
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