Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Today is Wednesday

I know that seems like a funny title, but I kept forgetting all day what day it was.  I thought for awhile it was Friday.  And then I thought it was Thursday.  And then I was back to Friday again.  And all the while it was Wednesday.

Reason #1 why I need to work.  Because otherwise I have no idea what day of the week it is unless I do "calendar" first thing in the morning.  And while I like to think that "calendar" is at least somewhat entertaining for my Kinder-friends, I'm thinking Dean and Torrey would think I was two steps from the nut house if I started singing the days of the week.  Perhaps I should sing the song anyways regardless of what they think of me.  Or not.

I have been a bit under the weather ... but, still taking pictures with the iPhone.  Seriously love.  And, when Torrey told me to take her picture in Target ... best. day. ever.  For real.

(And, just so you know I almost typed something about my mom having knee surgery tomorrow.  No.  Not tomorrow.  FRIDAY.  Everyone, all together now, "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday ..."  Good grief.)

So quickly, what are we up to ... well, I am trying to figure out my camera.  I took this class here.  Helped.  Somewhat.  Will keep practicing and experimenting and trying.  Not trying to go professional ... just want to be able to take a decent picture with something other than the iPhone.  (Have I mentioned how much I love?)

Dreaming of this.  Can't wait.  Soon.  Very very soon.

Finished my summer reading book.  And the summary that goes with it.  Was not my favorite book ... but, you can learn something from anything if you look hard enough.  I had to look very very very hard.

Going to give this a try.  No try.  Do.  Thank you Yoda that lives in my head.  Join with me ... you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Haircut tomorrow.  Can't wait.  For the love of the roots.  They are terrible.  Very very terrible.

Planning a project.  I may or may not have snitched it from my favorite place to visit when I am at my sister's.  I will admit I did not take the picture and send it to me so I would know how to make one for someone else in my family.  Yes, Jen, I am talking about you.

Still have to do a post about Canouan.  We just dropped off the underwater camera. Torrey said she took lots of pictures of turtles and fish.  Tried hard to not appear to be jealous.  Failed miserably.

Got a coffee from here today.  My new fave is cinnamon dolce latte.  Grande please.  Torrey tried some mocha coconut concoction that was sinfully delicious.  She did ask if it was good ... is it wrong that I suddenly had a flashback to the honey latte disaster of 2008?  Could I sue them for post traumatic stress disorder? It. Was. That. Bad.

We have lost the doo-hickeys that attach the roof carrier to the roof.  And one key.  Well, I say one because only one lock is locked.  Dean and I have looked everywhere.  Except where they are.  Grrr.  There is a plan b ... we will only look a little like the Beverly Hillbillies.  Only a little.

And, that in a here there and everywhere kind of way is what we are up to this week.

1 comment:

Jennifer McGregor said...

Rats. I was hoping you forgot about that picture. Seeing how I no longer have it on my phone. Sorry about that. I thought i still had it. Perhaps your OTHER favorite sister could run across the street and get you a FRESH picture. Or perhaps her Charming Daughter could. Just saying.