Someone failed to tell Hallmark that today was a holiday. I know this because I did not receive any cards. I should have. Today was one of the most revered days in Houston ... "Go Texan Day"... I kid you not. In honor of the start of Houston Rodeo, all of Houston puts on their best cowboy gear and goes about town as if wearing cowboy stuff is what is always done in Houston. And, at some point during the day, the wagon trains make their appearance. Memorial Park is the end to the trail ride. (FYI ... they have the right of way and they go slow and they will make you late to EVERYTHING ... only in Texas can you hear teachers telling their students their parents must be running late to carpool because they got stuck behind a trail ride!)
My cute kiddos arrived this morning in the most adorable cowboy gear known to man. Nothing cuter than little girls in pink boots and pink cowboy hats! And, this little buddy melted my heart when he arrived to school this morning ....
And, so, I fondly wish all of my blog readers (all 10 of you!) a "Happy Go Texan Day!" ... or, what I was really calling it all day "Happy Wearing Jeans to School on Friday Day!" Because what self respecting cowboy would wear flip flops with their jeans?!
Awwww shucks! I wish I was in Houston!!! dad
not just jeans -- to be a REAL Texan, they must be Wranglers.... the jeans made specifically for REAL cowboys.
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