Monday, February 23, 2009

What a Day!

Today would definitely be a day I would not like to see repeated (ala "Groundhog Day"!) Suffice it to say ... parenting is hard. Parenting an almost teenager is hard. Parenting a 7th grader is hard. Get the picture?

My little buddy had a very good Friday. Today would have also been stellar if we hadn't gone to playground (oh, how I curse you playground!) The boys have been playing tackle football (against the rules) and he tackled a friend hard. I asked him to come and sit for a minute to calm down ... and that turned into the biggest meltdown I have EVER been witness to ... and, I don't think I need to remind you that I parented a strong willed two-year-old. There was mulch thrown. At me. He refused to walk. I carried (I know, I have said before I wouldn't do that again.) He kicked. Me. When I got him inside he refused to sit on the chair. No principal. And, then it happened. I had my own temper tantrum (not really!) I did refuse to take him back until he had seen someone. Blah, blah, blah (Hey! It really is all I say!) and the rest of the day was fine. We are trying to work out some blood sugar kinks ... by the time I get him figured out it will be May 22nd. Good grief.

Which leads me to say again ... I will not be doing a "do over" for today!

1 comment:

Steve said...

See, growing up with me prepared you to deal with situations like this!