Sunday, August 24, 2008

Write A Name On Your Heart (or floor)

The day after Easter, our church began a complete remodel of our worship center. We are nearing completion (ahead of schedule and under budget ... WOW!) and today we were given Sharpies and allowed to write the names of people we are praying for on the concrete. This week they will be covered with carpet. They may be covered with carpet, but we will not forget because not only are they written on the floor, but they are written on our hearts. It was something to see the floor of the worship center/stage covered with names of loved ones. It will be neat to hear stories of lives changed because of those names written on the floor.

Writing the names on the floor was one of our favorite parts of the remodel project. But, by far our most favorite part of the remodel project has to do with something we will probably never see and never benefit from. Our church is taking 10% of the money raised (we raised 24M) and giving it away to fellow churches in Houston and abroad. Already land has been purchased in India for the completion of a Bible college and other churches in our area will be receiving new roofs or AC units or whatever they are in need of. Our pastor impressed upon us that we shouldn't be sitting in the best while others who are worshipping somewhere else are suffering. To whom much is given much is required. I told you he is wise beyond his years.

And, so we move back in on the 7th of September ... can't wait to see what God will do when we move back in!

1 comment:

Allana Martian said...

Writing the names on the floor...what a great idea! You are right about not forgetting that they are there, too.

We were with friends of ours on their 20 acres while they were building their house. They were leveling the ground, preparing it to pour the foundation. Zack had a poopy diaper and Rob decided that the Hobbs family needed a diaper buried under the foundation of their home. You know, keep them humble! The way those things don't bio-degrade very well.....well, WE haven't forgotten!