Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I KNEW This Would Happen!

So, when I started this blog, I had every good intention to blog on a regular basis. Not every day, but on a regular basis. But, it has been almost a week without a whisper from me ... and why you ask? Well, I will tell you that I have been taking myself too seriously and actually have been stressing a bit over the perfection of my blog. Good grief. I just have to get over myself and know that every blog doesn't need a picture, and it doesn't have to be funny, and it doesn't have to be grammatically correct ... because everyone needs an "ain't" every now and then (and, the word "ain't" with a Texas drawl really is fantastic!) It just has to be me ... warts and all! And so, here are a few of my random thoughts from this past weekend ...

First, I came to the conclusion that school is just around the corner. I didn't need to look at a calendar ... the weird dreams have started. Oh they are fantastic and come every year about this time. The ones where my room isn't ready and suddenly I have kids. Or where I can't remember anyone's names. Or where the kids keep coming and I run out of room in my room ... sort of like how many clowns can you fit in a car thing. Don't worry ... somehow I am always ready for the 1st day and the dreams go away.

Then, I really love our church. Our pastor is leading us in a sermon series through Exodus and has encouraged us to read a book called "The Red Sea Rules". It is preparing us for the move back into our worship center which has been undergoing major renovations since the day after Easter. The countdown clock said on Sunday there were 55 days to go (it also counts down the hours, minutes and seconds ... nothing like letting your construction team know that they are on a time limit!) Our pastor is young (OK, younger than me ... he's like 38), but he has a wisdom beyond his years. Occasionally he steps on our toes ... but he doesn't apologize for it. Refreshing.

We are in the middle of a few renovations in the house. While Torrey and I are in Florida, Dean is going to redo her room (from blue to pink ... which is her signature color!) and he is going to make me a desk for my craft room. Everything started because the part of the doorbell that you push broke so we needed a new doorbell ... that has been installed along with new lights in the movie room. (I will post pictures of everything when everything is done) I am thankful for a husband who knows how to do things and is willing to give in to every whim of his girls!

Then, Torrey and I head out to Florida on Thursday to spend just over a week with my family. My favorite part of the trip is always seeing Ben and Carly's faces when we first get there. Actually, their joy has nothing to do with me ... it is all Torrey. I have never seen 3 kids who play so well together. Our move to Texas was quite a blow to them and we try to make it up to them with lots of visits. We will swim until we are prunes (I have learned the hard way to not tread water in the deep end too near to Carly because she has a tendancy to jump on my back and near drown me!) And watch movies and eat popcorn (they usually stay with us at my parents and more than once my mom and I have looked at the clock in disbelief because it would be after 11 and they would STILL BE UP!) They will eat ice cream cones for breakfast ... my mom's specialty! And, I will drink lots of coffee ... I usually head home with the shakes from drinking so much coffee while I am there! We are looking forward to Tijuana Flats chips (yummy!) and Chicken and Dumplings while we are there. I figured if I put it in my blog and my dad read my blog I would actually get the chicken and dumplings ... I do have a back up plan however ... I make Torrey ask for them!

And, finally, on Monday my mom and two sisters and I jump in a car to go on the "Someone Turned 40 and We Are Going on a Trip Together Somewhere" trip. I am the someone and I got to pick the where and I picked Savannah, Georgia. I thought it just sounded like a girls trip place to go. We are staying in a bed and breakfast for 3 nights and going on the Paula Deen tour (hokey, I know) and then we have no other plans. But, whatever it is we decide to do, it will be fun ... and, there will be rules!

And so there it is ... a new blog entry from me. Might not be too interesting to some, but it is a blog entry none the less! Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday and watch "WipeOut" tonight ... although the hilariousness of the show may be watching it with Torrey!

1 comment:

grannimcd said...

I can attest to the fact that watching "Wipeout" is MUCH funnier when you are watching with Torrey! :)