Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bah Humbug ... No More!

Today started out hard.  And early.  At 5:00 this morning, I discovered a smallish water spill in our half bathroom.  That would be the one with the hardwood floors.  It didn't take me but a few seconds to realize that said water spill wasn't from the cats spilling a glass of water (seriously thought in my head that perhaps they had CARRIED a glass in the bathroom and dropped it ... perhaps 5:00 is too early for me to get up in the morning!)but rather from a drip drip drip COMING FROM THE CEILING!

I may or may not have been more concerned about the floors than I was about the water coming from the ceiling.

Of course I was more concerned about the floors.  Hardwood floors people!

Anyways, it was discovered that one of the hot water tanks (in the attic ... only in Texas) was not installed properly and sadly, we needed a new hot water heater.

Ya'll we just had double knee surgery on the dog ... and unfortunately she wasn't covered under Obamacare.  Some days you just want to scream.  And, today was my day.

But, it gets better, because in October we got tickets to go see our Church's Christmas program.  For tonight.  And while I had been looking forward to the program at 4:59 this morning, suddenly I wasn't feeling too Christmasy.

But we went.  And we were grouchy.  Dean may or may not have tried to figure out when I would be going through menopause ... he learned quickly that some things are better to NOT try to figure out.  If you want to live in peace and harmony and all.

So there we sat ... and it didn't take long to remember that Christmas is really all about Jesus.  Slowly we forgot about new water heaters, and shananigans at school, and all the things that have to be finished before next Friday ... the menopause thing might take a little longer!

It was beautiful.  And full of all things Christmas.  And full of Jesus.  And I loved it.  And took pictures ... without a flash.  They are terrible, but I must share.  Mostly so I will remember .... because Dean has already told me next year he is hiding the camera!

Santa rode in on a sleigh ... and I waved.  Because I know I am on the "Nice List".  Santa was hilarious.  But, then you knew he would be ... being jolly and all.

The Worship Center was full of angels.  Some were on rolling riding things and some came in on stilts and at the same moment they popped out their wings when they were worshipping baby Jesus ... do you see Him?

The shepherds came to worship baby Jesus ... along with their sheep and goats.  Who knew baby goats were so cute?!

And then the wise men made their grand entrance.  And grand it was!  The last king comes in a procession that included an elephant.

An actual full grown elephant.  In the Worship Center.  And while he is walking around the Worship Center, the choir is singing "Do You See What I See?"  And I had goose bumps.  And couldn't look away.  

Because think about it ... God created that massive wrinkly beast.  And He saw that it was good.  Don't you think given a chance an elephant would have worshipped Jesus?  I do.  

And, just so you know ... we were sitting on the front row and that huge elephant walked RIGHT BY ME!  And it took my breath away.  And then my breath came back.  And I wished it didn't ... because clearly he doesn't bathe every day.

The evening ended with "The Hallelujah Chorus" ... and know who was first on her feet?  A severely handicapped girl in a wheel chair.  Oh, she didn't actually stand on her feet, but she had her hands in the air and she threw her head back ... worshipping her heavenly Father who created her perfect in His eyes.  He saw her worship and her praise ... and it was good.

She sat in front of us last year and brought me to tears.  I waited.  And watched.  And cried.  Because she knows the true meaning of Christmas ... Jesus.

1 comment:

jaywalker said...

this is priority number 1 for our family for next year. can't wait. but as for this year... it's beauty and the beast! wheee!