Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Survival of the Fittest

Tech week. Boo. Hiss. It should be called kill Torrey's parents by causing them to be so exhausted they can't see straight. I can't remember the last time I felt this tired ... oh wait. Yes I do. It was during Torrey's first 3 1/2 years of life and her refusal to sleep during the night. That's right. My child didn't sleep through the night until she was 3 1/2 years old. Bet you got on your knees and said a prayer for me didn't you?

And, does it bring you some measure of comfort to know that even in my near comatose state of mind I am still funny? I know for some of you it is what keeps you coming back.

Anyways, my morning was not stellar. The school took back my overhead projector and gave me a document enhancer. Technology schmecnology. The camera flips everything you put under it upside down, which meant I had to write upside down ... I am good, but I am not that good. And, it had a short in the wire which caused the screen to project a greenish image that would occasionally flip to red.

I will stop here to tell you I teach Kindergarten. So, every time it would flip to red and then back to green I would have a chorus of voices saying to flip it again. Grrr.

We all know that what I wanted to do was throw the thing out the window. I (semi ... OK, not so much) sweetly said "If I knew how to flip it to red I would flip it to the right color" and prayed that it would soon be time to go to Music ... because I needed to pull myself together.

There may or may not have been an incident with someone nearly losing it.

That someone may or may not have been me.

You can decide for yourself.

The day chugged along ... and then I zooped to McDonalds to get Torrey a McFlurry. Or, I should say I TRIED to get Torrey a McFlurry. They were not selling ice cream or shakes. I was too tired to ask "why?" And, even if I did, it would have come out something like this, " FOR THE LOVE OF PETE WHY NOT? YOU ADVERTISE A MCFLURRY. WHY DON'T YOU HAVE ONE? DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT KIND OF DAY I HAVE HAD? THE DOCUMENT ENHANCER ... WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!"

Sometimes it is good to know when to keep your mouth shut and drive away.

Are we still tired? Oh, yes. Will we get rest soon? I hope so ... so do my Kinderfriends. (They may be staging an intervention in the morning!) But, for now, know how we are making it through the day?Coffee and Cupcakes, my friends! Coffee and Cupcakes!


jaywalker said...

i hear you. suzie is the worst sleeper ever. she was up for an hour last night. and now she is so CHIPPER! HOWWWWWWWWWWW????!?!?!?!

Steve said...

See, Torrey, you should come here more often! When I take you for ice cream you get ice cream!

Laurie said...

I'm all about the cup cakes... you can have the coffee. Technology and kindergarten doesn't seem to go together does it?