Monday, November 23, 2009

The First Step is Admitting You Have a Problem

I will admit to my fondness of all things pumpkin. Pumpkin candles. Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Pumpkin muffins. Pumpkin pie. Pumpkin bread. Pumpkin ice cream. Pumpkin Spice Hershey's Kisses. Pumpkin. Pumpkin. Pumpkin.

Our newspaper had an article about the scarcity of canned pumpkin this year. It seems Nestle (maker of the Libby brand) couldn't harvest it's crop because of heavy rains. So, it can and probably will become impossible to find in the coming months.

I read blogs. I had heard about the scarcity of the canned pumpkin. In some areas. Not in Texas it seemed, because good ole' HEB always had canned pumpkin on the shelves. Subconsciously I may or may not have started picking up cans ...

And, I may have single handedly caused the current pumpkin crisis.
Dean came into the kitchen tonight to see this. Oh, yes intervention is needed. Right after I make some pumpkin bread.

Pumpkin pie anyone?


Al & Judy Melton said...

No wonder we couldn't find any pumpkin! You have it all!!! guess you will just have to come for Thanksgiving... bring Gram and pumpkin pie!

Allana Martian said...

Thanks for the reminder to stock up before it's too late!!!

jaywalker said...

i should send you my recipe for pumpkin soup! SOOOOO gooood.

Al & Judy Melton said...

I hate to say this and I know no one wants to hear this but you have become your mother!!!!! It is the first step to an overstocked pantry!!! Love you Mom

Jennifer McGregor said...

If you didn't bake, you wouldn't have a problem. I'm just saying!

Unknown said...

haha, i love pumkin too!! but i don't think i've ever had those pumkin spice hershey kisses like ya'll have...

Laurie said...

I didn't hear about the shortage but I bought 6 cans of pumpkin and only made 2 pies. Must be in the genes.