Monday, November 30, 2009

As Heard in Kindergarten ... Prepare to Laugh!

It came to our attention today that a mom in one of the other Kindergarten classes is going to have a baby. To which my friends asked when I was going to have a baby.

Um, not planning on it any time soon.

Serick then informed me that I had already had a baby.

Then our conversation went something like this ...

S: If you have another baby, what will you name him?
Me: Serick. (And, I must brag ... I am rather pleased with myself for that quick response because it was quick. As quick as a wink. As quick as a flash. As quick as ... you get my point.)
S: Serick! Is that because I am the best boy ever?
Me: Insert belly laugh here. Loud belly laugh. It tickled me so.

I thought it was funny. Very funny. Obviously ... I am retelling it here so that I remember it always. But, I dare say it might have actually meant something to Serick.

Because when one of my assistants came in he informed her that "IF Mrs. Townsend would have another baby, but she said there was NO WAY that would happen, but if she did, she said she would name him Serick because I am the best boy ever!"

Scrumptious he is. Absolutely scrumptious.

And, then later in the day I heard Rachel say "My mom is 31. She is really old ..." and when she said that last part she rolled her eyes.

And, in an instant my 41-year-old-self felt, well, ancient.

Last year was hard. On a good day I questioned my career choice. Imagine how I felt on a bad day. Funny, I would take every one of them back again ... I loved them that deeply.

But, this class ... what can I say. They are just something special. They have given me something I didn't think possible. Because of this little class of Littles, last year is slowly being erased away until all I can remember is the joyful times. The good days. They are a gift. And, they have given me a gift.


1 comment:

Jennifer McGregor said...

I guess it was too much to ask for you to name your kid after ME, right? HA! Perhaps Serick is up for adoption???