Tuesday, March 10, 2009

She Never ...

Torrey and I took a trip to Target (also known as Utopia!) to get Spring Break Trip supplies. While we were in there a photo frame shaped like a record caught her eye. And then she said it ... "You know, I have never held a real record in my hands before." I chuckled, but then I got to thinking about the things that were normal to me growing up that she will never have the opportunity to do ...

-She will never be forced to get up to change the channel on the TV (using a dial) because her dad doesn't want to do it.

-She will never truly understand the joy of watching "The Grinch" at Christmas time ... she can watch it whenever she wants and doesn't have to endure any of the "Peter Paul" commercials.

-She will never miss a call or not know who is calling before she chooses to answer.

-She will never know the importance of seeing a movie in the theatre ... if she waits 3 months she can watch it in the theatre at her own house!

-She will never be lost when driving in her dad's car. And, her seat will always be hot or cold. And, if she is bored on a long-distance trip she can watch a movie ... oh how I remember long-distance trips with a black and white TV hoping for a big city with reception!

-She will never watch TV on a 13 inch black and white set.

-She will never use a typewriter or curse the inventor of carbon paper or bless the inventor of white out!

-She will not wait in line or use the phone to do very many things ... the computer will be her best friend ... from ordering prescriptions to ordering take out.

-She will never tape the latest episode of "The Brady Bunch" using a reel to reel tape player (oh, I was so hip!) ... or even a cassette tape player for that matter.

-She will look at a VHS tape and wonder "What in the world is this?"

-She will never have an 8-track tape break in mid "Sound of Music" song and see her brother break out in glee. She will never even know what an 8-track is (and, remember I told you I was hip?!)

-She will never have a remote control hooked to anything attached by a cord.

-She will never know that paying $4 for coffee isn't the best idea (sorry ... she has my Starbucks addiction!)

There are so many other things I could post. So many things that make me giggle. Oh, Torrey, you should be so thankful for technology. And, that you weren't born in the dark ages like your mother!



Steve said...

Oh the joy that I knew when that Sound of Music 8 track broke! If anyone wants proof that God does answer prayer, there it is!!

Al & Judy Melton said...

Welcome back Tracy, so nice to see you!

I added one more you can add to your list on our blog ie a Palm Pilot!

Love ya, dad

Laurie said...

Yeah Steve but then mom just started singing "Mary did you Know"