Texas children are taught before they can talk that if they pick the bluebonnets that line Texas highways they will be sent to jail. They may even have been told that they could be put to death. It is that serious. You do NOT pick the bluebonnets. Ever.
And, so on the day we got back from Spring Break, Henry learned something he had to share. Something he could NOT believe. He came in and announced, "Did you know that it is not against the law to pick bluebonnets? Really, it isn't! Why would people say that it is?"
I was trying to figure out if I tell him the truth or just continue the lie. Bella answered for me.
"Henry! If you pick bluebonnets you are going straight to juvvy!"
That's right ... she said "juvvy". And, in that moment I was glad to be back in school. Because it really is better than any comedy routine.
And, for the record ... it is not against the law to pick bluebonnets. It is one of the great urban legends. But, just so you know that when I told the story to Bella's preschool teacher she said, "It isn't against the law?" Um, she is over 40. Oh, Texas ... what have you done?