Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Um, What Exactly ARE Spacers?

I know, I should have asked the question loooong before sending Torrey off to have the things put in her mouth. Do you think the orthodontist noticed that I was wearing my "Mother of the Year" pin at the time?! Torrey is getting braces (today in fact) and last Wednesday she went in to have spacers put in so that the braces could be put on today. We were all on edge ... sometimes the not knowing will do that to you!

One last picture without spacers/braces ... the smile looks almost real! She had just come out of the dentist after having her teeth cleaned (no cavities ... Uncle Jack would be so proud!) and we were on her way to the orthodontist. (Fact ... Our dentist and orthodontist are married. They do not work in the same office. No explanation needed.)
Dean met us at the orthodontist. So glad he did. We all had to watch a movie about anything and everything that can go wrong with braces. (Fact ... You can not play soccer while wearing head gear. Honestly, I have always thought that kids who have to wear that thing do not want to wear it out in public, never mind at a soccer game. And, if you are wearing head gear at your soccer game, do you really say to yourself, "I think it will be a great idea to hit this hard ball with my head while wearing my head gear!") She was fine up to the point of seeing the head gear. Fortunately head gear is not in her future. Bring on the soccer balls!
She left us and was back in about 2 minutes (really!) with eight expensive rubber bands in her mouth. They are the little blue thingies. We have counted and counted those things all week. We are proud to say we haven't lost one (Torrey is really glad because if one was lost chances are she would have eaten it!) She was in a bit of pain for a few days. Today she told me she didn't even feel them anymore ... just in time for the braces!

And, really, what do you get when you have to get braces? In our house an iPod. And, no, we are not taking applications to adopt any kids who are about to get braces!

Come back later tonight to see pictures of the actual braces!

1 comment:

Allana Martian said...

I will NOT let my daughter read this post because when it's time for her to get braces she'll want to know if she gets an iPod, too. Or her ears pierced. Or something...ANYthing!