Thursday, November 25, 2010

Making of the Mayflower

On the days leading up to Thanksgiving I found this while cruising crafty blogs.  And I knew.  I knew I HAD to make them.  

As we all know I totally embrace my love of procrastination ... which meant the day before Thanksgiving found me making boats.

And, let me just be the first to say ... I was instantly in love.  Because they are darlin'.  Absolutely darlin'.
 Once they were done I filled them with candy corn ... because I happen to know three littles who love candy corn as much as Zack!  But, if I had planned ahead I would have gotten autumn colored M&M's ... but by the time I decided to whip these up, candy corn were all I could find.  Note to self ... procrastination is really not your Best Friend!
And, here they are completed and in their new home ... between snowman guards.  They were loved ... but, I think mostly for the candy corn!

If you are planning to make these, I think it called for so many yards of brown felt ... um, don't go crazy. You don't need that much ... I am now sitting on enough felt to make a fleet of Mayflowers!  Which means if you are related to me and feel you need a Mayflower (or two or three), let me know ... goodness knows I've got the felt!

1 comment:

jaywalker said...

these were SO cute. they are still sitting in my pantry, waiting for NEXT thanksgiving!!