Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Freeze Frenzy

My tale begins with the fact that Dean is out of town.

And, right away you know that my tale isn't just a tale.  It is a sad tale.  Because whenever he is out of town something happens.  And, usually that something is terrible.

Tonight would be no exception.

My night started out good ... I watched election returns.  And danced.  And danced.  And danced.  It was a good night in America.

I headed off to bed at 10:30.  Tired would be an understatement.  I got to our bedroom door and stopped ... there was a strange noise.

Um, remember, Dean is out of town.  I knew instantly that whatever was making that noise was not going to be good.

Let's just say that our freezer has an alarm on it.  Let's also just say that said freezer alarm had apparently been going off for awhile.  For quite awhile.

And, I did what I usually do when something bad happens and Dean is out of town.  I called Dean.  He told me he would clean out the freezer when he got home ... on Thursday.

Well, there was a soupy mess of berry juice in the bottom of the freezer that would become a soupy, frozen mess of berry juice if we waited until Thursday.  So, I stopped whining (sort of) and cleaned out the freezer.

I am proud to say I only cried once.  When I threw out the melted container of Blue Bell peppermint ice cream.

There is a happy ending to this story ... Dean doesn't travel again until after Christmas.  Which means all major appliances are safe until then!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Sorry for your loss Tracy. Did you replace the ice cream at least?