Monday, February 15, 2010


Torrey left for her 8th grade class trip to Washington DC this morning at O'dark thirty.  I rode to school by myself.  I rode home by myself.  And, when I came home she wasn't there to greet me.


Tonight Dean and I are watching the clock and watching the phones.  Waiting for her call.  It is 8:00 in Houston.  It is 9:00 in Washington DC.  She must be having fun.  We are ... not so much.


The Olympics are on.  We are watching snowboarding.  Well, actually it is 4 snowboarders in a winner takes all race to the finish line.  There is a small part of me that thinks perhaps I could do this.


Our house is quiet.  The dogs are quiet.  We miss our girl.  The dogs miss our girl.  I'm thinking perhaps we should homeschool her for college.

And, we all know what she would think of that.



Steve said...

Tracy, Tracy, Tracy! Thank you so much for that laugh!!! I needed that! I want you to know that I wasn't laughing at you, just that "small part of you"!

Jennifer McGregor said...

hey Honey, you can NOT snowboard. Nice try. We miss Torrey, too! :(

Al & Judy Melton said...

You must really miss Torrey if you think you can snowboard. You have way too much time on your hands.
I do understand missing your kids. I think they should never leave home!!!!!
Love ya