Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Good News, Kids!

Somebody went back to school today.  That would be me.

Somebody did not.  That would be Torrey.  She almost made it.  One more day of rest was good for her.  And, she actually got most of her make up work done.

Some day she will thank the Lord she takes after her father!

My kiddos were happy to see me.  Several of them crept up to the door and peered anxiously in and than ran to me with open arms.  Ladies and gents, I give you exhibit A of why I teach Kindergarten.

Today was Library day.  Which would be on the 6th floor of a different building.  Which means we get to ride an elevator.  Oh happy day!  

I will stop here and say I believe in bribery.  If you do not, you can stop reading, or you can read on.  I just may change your mind.  When those doors open on the 6th floor, I never know WHO could be standing on the other side.  I learned early in that the promise of a sticker for the quietest will lead to my job security.  And, who doesn't love a game?

Fortunately today we played the game.

Because, when the doors opened, there stood the Headmaster of the school.  

I will stop here to say that this year we have a new Headmaster.  And, he is fantastic.  The old Headmaster was good, but he rarely cracked a smile.  I would go into a panic attack whenever I passed him last year for fear of what was happening in the line behind me.  But, remember last year was hard.  This year, not so much.  And, the new Headmaster?  He knows how to laugh.  Which is a good thing.

So, anyways ... there is the Headmaster, ready to go into the elevator we are leaving.  As my ducklings exited, D. announced, LOUDLY, "Mrs. Townsend, it's your boss again!"  

What do you do in a moment like that?  You throw your head back and laugh.  And, fortunately, the Headmaster threw his head back and laughed too!

Enjoy your Thursday ... Torrey and I will BOTH enjoy it out of the house!

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