Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Today has been a day I would not like to see repeated. Good grief. It has been gross. This has been one tough year in Kindergarten. As hard as it is (and has been), I know it could be so much worse. It could be so much more frustrating. It could be so much more discouraging. I am starting to begin and end each day the same way ... on my knees.

And, I really should have known the kind of day I was stepping into when I woke up at 4:17 am and started to pray that "my words would be gentle and my spirit should be sweet". God has some kind of sense of humor.

I wrote all that to say this ... I just spent the last 5 minutes and 40 seconds worshipping to this. I daresay you will be unable to keep your hands down ... and the tears will flow. It is my new favorite song!

So, Happy Tuesday ... although it was my "Monday" ... which may explain my day!

1 comment:

grannimcd said...

Ok ok -- You were right. I watched, I worshipped, I cried. I rejoiced and then I forwarded the video.....Thanks. Travis is my new favorite

I do remember singing this at the Beth Moore thing with you. Now that was an emotional and uplifting night..... glad you were there with me..... or that I was there with you.
I am going to iTunes now to download some Travis Cottrell for my very own.