Monday, September 8, 2008

Back to the Land of the Living

I did go to school today. At first I thought perhaps I shouldn't have when the first 4 people I saw told me I did not look good. Huh?! Oh, and today was picture day. I will post the picture when I get it for you to be the judge ... I chose to not look in the mirror. Have I said lately that I adore my class. Oh, I love them. (For the record, I love last year's too ... they are so sweet when they see me in the hall, lunchroom, carline ... ahhh!) So, today I introduced the nickel to them ... they knew what it was and how much it is worth (have I told you that some of them are seriously smarter than me?!) I then asked them if they knew who was the president on the nickel ... they did. George Clooney. I had to turn my back on my class today because I couldn't stop the laugh. George Clooney. Um, no, that would be Thomas Jefferson. Will I ever look at a nickel again without thinking that maybe it is George Clooney? Doubt it. I also had a friend take off his shoes and kneel on them so he looked like Dorf ... I kept my smile inside because he had to change his color. Never a dull moment.

And, finally, the actual text message from my favorite college student, Kristin ...

Grasshopper: so ... down here. there are a million grasshoppers and I just saw one and I thought of you :) How are you doing? (Please note that I added capitals and punctuation for my older readers)

Me: (answering 3 days later) I have been home sick since wed ... going back to school today. how are you?

Grasshopper: Why are you homesick? (evidently she didn't notice my space!)

Me: sick at home crazy girl!

Honestly, you can't make this stuff up! Emma just called to say she is behind a day and can she come and clean on Wednesday ... um, yes because I don't feel like cleaning tonight! Enjoy the rest of your Monday ... it has been a good one here!

1 comment:

Jennifer McGregor said...

funniest post ever. thanks for the entertainment... homesick george clooney. nope, you can't make this stuff up!