Monday, May 16, 2011

Where My Heart Is

I haven't blogged in forever.  But, do I really need to tell my faithful two that?  I started this post with the title "Where My Head Is" ... but changed it to the more appropriate title above.  Because my heart is full, full, full.

We are at the finish line of the school year.  Friday is it ... the last day of school.  If you know me, you know that the month of May is hard for me.  This year feels the hardest of all.

I am struggling with the "HOW"?  How do I say goodbye to 18 littles who were strangers in August and a part of me by May?  (Ok ... by the second day of school!)  How do I let go of 18 littles who loved me on my best days and worst days?  How do I let go of littles who taught me more than I taught them?  How do I let go of littles who changed my life?

This year one of my Kinderfriend's family was in the midst of adopting a little girl from Ethiopia.  We started the year praying for "little sister" and walked the journey with a God-filled family.  In January we found out there was also a "little brother" ... um, the jumping up and down ... you would have thought they were coming home with all of us.  (I may, or may not, have been the worst!)  On Wednesday we will celebrate as the Mom and Dad go to court in Ethiopia to officially adopt the littles we have prayed for all year.  And we did. not. miss. a. day.  Not one.  That may be one of the sweetest parts of this year ... praying those two cutie-patooties home.

We desperately asked God to heal a sweet mom from cancer.  Again, we did. not. miss. a. day.  She is in remission.   The sweetest part of that journey (if there is a sweet part in watching a family journey through icky cancer) was watching my littles become strength for her child.  They helped him stand when he couldn't.  They loved him through this year.  They gave him a year of joy instead of a year of hard.   They never stopped trusting when it was difficult for adults.  They never stopped believing in the One who heals.

We have learned a lot.  We learned how to read.  We learned how to count and tell time.  We learned lots about dinosaurs and rocks and shells.  All things I have taught before and could teach with my hands behind my back and my eyes closed.  But, the greatest things we learned this year didn't come from me.

The greatest lessons we learned this year came from loving a Saviour who gives us good.  Whether that good be walking through cancer.  Or traveling an adoption journey that isn't easy.  Or trying something that we think might be beyond us, He promises us good.  He promises us He is enough.

So, tonight, my heart is full.  Full of the goodness He gave me this year when He gave me these 18 littles to love.  And that is "How" ... that is how I can send them on.  Because as much as I love them, He loves them more.  Look out First Grade ... not only are they ready, but they are amazing!

1 comment:

grannimcd said...

I have been so waiting for this post. I knew it would be coming. I do know how hard it is for you at the end of the year (EVERY year). But I also know that others of us have been blessed along the way right along with you. To watch you nurture, love and cherish these littles is an amazing thing to behold. I often say that teaching is not only what you do, but WHO YOU ARE! I am so blessed to be able to see just a hint (in person) of the heart you have for these little ones. You inspire me my s-i-l. Keep up the good work and the contagious witness! luvu