Friday, August 6, 2010

International Superstar

Clearly I am an international superstar. I knew that as soon as I looked at my comment moderation page and it told me I had five comments to be moderated.


At one time. I have never had five comments to be moderated at one time. I will admit that I was a smidgen giddy as I opened the page.

Pride goes before a fall. All I'm sayin'.

Four of the five were written in Chinese. FOUR. Do I need to remind everyone of my stance on the Chinese comments? For the love of Pete.

So much for my five comments. At once. And, so much for my inflated head. But, shout out to Laurie for sending me some love ... my ego sure needed it today!

1 comment:

jaywalker said...

okay, hier ist fuer dich ein Antwort auf deutsch! du bist ein Superstar!