Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I'm baaaaaack! Muahahaha! 

I fully intended to have some fun pictures of our day to share with you ... but, it did not happen. That is what happens when you leave your phone at home.

I left early to meet my friend Roxanne for coffee.  Roxanne works with me ... she used to be the Kindergarten assistant (I loooooved telling her that I was her boss. HA!) She lived my hardest year with me. And is one reason I made it out alive. Please imagine a picture of us at Starbucks here.

Dean left early for College Station. Torrey was going to go with him, but please go back and read the third word of the last sentence. Torrey doesn't do early in the summer. And, if you make her, you will be sorry. I learned the hard way yesterday.

Anywho ... Dean. College Station. Why? He is going to be giving a guest lecture this summer and he went to talk to the professor. Now, if you give a guest lecture, can you now be called professor? I say yes. He says no. I am calling him "Professor" anyways. This guest lecture thing came out of nowhere and it is just a fun thing. Torrey and I both want to go and watch ... Dean thinks it is weird. My brother has offered to supply the PayDay candy bars (you must be a fan of The Office to even get that). Please imagine a picture of Dean saying "Gig'em" here.

I also ran into school to take care of a few things. Some people who live in my house are occasionally jealous I have summers off. To which I say, "Professor, I really don't have the summer off." I was a little giddy to see some of my teacher friends in the process ... I am so thankful to work with people I truly enjoy. Please imagine a picture of me at school here.

I came home and it was close enough to 2:00 to call it 2:00. And, I think we all know what time that is ... SIESTA! The first week of school is rough ... mostly because I am detoxing from my inability to take a nap at 2:00. It is a risk I am willing to take. Please imagine a picture of me napping here. Or, if you would prefer, a picture of Torrey and Bentley napping on the couch here.

Dinner was made. It was delicious. And simple to make. Can. Not. Go. Wrong. With. That. There could be a picture of the dinner here ... except we ate it all. One of these days I may put the recipe on here ... but, we all know what that means.

And, now ... everyone is relaxing. I'm the lucky one ... Bentley is right beside me. He is one snuggly puppy ... and deeply in love with all of us. 

So, in a nutshell ... today was one good day. Full of friends. Full of coffee. Full of exciting new opportunities. Full of family. Full of rest. Full of preparation. Full of sweet, warm puppies. Full. Full. Full.

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