Sunday, August 2, 2009


We trekked up to Pinehurst after church today because Paul Andrew was in town and he didn't come alone. He brought along these cuties ...
Lane (age 8)

Brendan (age 6)

Andrew (age 3)

Brendan instantly became Dean's favorite when he announced "Uncle Dean tells the funniest jokes." Oh, Brendan, you don't know what you've done!

We had a nice time visiting. The kiddos spent almost the entire time in the pool ... they didn't even come out to eat! All of the kids enjoyed sharing with us their swimming and jumping in skills.
When Andrew jumped, he would yell "Kowabunga!". The first time he did it, he made me a little nervous ... but, he soon proved to have mad swimming skills.
Lanie was a bit more tentative and graceful. She just took a step off the bridge and went into the water.
Dean enjoyed swimming with the kids ... although, it must be told that he is holding a squirt gun, so maybe I should say he enjoyed squirting the kids!
Torrey and Andrew became instant buds. He floated around the pool with her for quite awhile. Actually, Torrey was getting him closer to his targets ... along with his swimming skills he has a pretty good aim! Torrey has said repeatedly tonight how cute Andrew is ... I must agree.
Torrey and her "posse" ... on the way to get their next target. There was no staying dry around them ... everyone was fair game. It didn't matter if you weren't wearing a bathing suit!
And, the biggest kid of all? Paul. Linda claims to get the squirt guns for the kids. I am not fooled.

And, if one picture sums up the day, this is it. Almost makes you want to give it a try ... maybe I would if I were a little younger! Kowabunga!

1 comment:

rachellechaseblog said...

that pool looks soooooo inviting!! wish i was in it right now! oh, and by the way,i am pretty sure i tuned in, and pretty sure i still don't know what you did with that fabric. hey, i did my part, now you have to do yours! :)