Friday, December 23, 2011

Making Memories and Mustachios

Today is Jen and Ryan's 17th anniversary.  Happy Anniversary!  Ben and Carly came to spend the night at my Mom and Dad's ... because for some reason they wanted to spend their anniversary alone.  Whatever.
 Movies were watched ... mostly be these three.  Or, make that four.  Zoey seems to think she is a person.  A little, furry person with an attitude.  I am not to blame.

But, enough about the dog ... while they were doing, um, nothing, I was making mustachios.  Because no Christmas would be complete without a mustachio or two or seventeen.
 I was going to buy glasses with noses and eyebrows, but at $5 each there was no way I was going to buy 16.  Which meant Plan B.  Homemade mustachios.  Start with black felt. I cut two at a time because I needed wanted them to line up perfectly.  I just traced my mustachio on a piece of wrapping paper ... partly because it was Christmas, but mostly because it was on the table in front of me.
 Cut out your mustachios ... see why using scraps of whatever paper you have is necessary?
 I used Aleenes's original tacky glue and applied liberally ... I figured the more the better.  Be sure to get the edges.
 Stick your dowel in the glue.  Some mustachio wearers said they would have preferred the dowel to be lower.  I liked it higher.  And, since I was the one making them, I won.
 I added some extra glue on top of the dowel.  Not sure if it was absolutely necessary, but I figured better safe than sorry.
 Then top with the other mustachio ... see why I needed wanted it to be perfect?  Now let dry.  I "built" all of the mustachios on wax paper ... this is not an option.  Otherwise your mustachio will stick to whatever it is left to dry on.
 And when you are finished you have a mustachio (on a stick) ... sure to bring fun family memories when worn with a spirit of joy.  
And, just in case you aren't feeling the mustachio, you could always wear it as a uni-brow.  

And, why the mustachios you ask?  Hang in there for a few more days ... it definitely was one fun family adventure!

1 comment:

grannimcd said...

and the stick could be used to poke your eye out.. ;-)