Friday, September 30, 2011

iPhriday ... the Catch Up Edition

Well, I guess you could say I am a tad behind on iPhriday ... if a "tad" is what you can call not posting for almost two months.  I think about posting ... but, the need for doing laundry or feeding my family or school or sleep sort of take precedence.  School has been kicking my butt ... I love my little class, but, boy!  Have I been busy.  Here are a few of the pictures I have taken these past few months.  Be warned ... you might want to get some coffee first!
 Clearly the dogs were in bed when these two ventured downstairs ... the love affair between Nikita and the dogs lasted long enough for the pictures in my last post.
 Torrey and I went school shopping before getting her hair cut (trimmed) ... she thought I might give in with these shoes.  Um, no.  Especially since they made her legs look even longer ... if that was possible!
 Kirsten came over to spend the night.  Dean was gone, so the girls decided a trip to Benihana's was in order.  Deliciously great idea!
 Still at Benihana's ... here is our chef cooking our dinner.  He was good at what he does.  And funny too.
 Happy girl ... with a smidgen shorter hair.  She is growing up too fast!
 With the start of school comes the long drive to school in the mornings.  I have come to rejoice in the drive though .... because I get to see this sky.
 Same morning ... different part of the journey.  The sky is glorious.  Absolutely glorious.
 Good morning sunshine!  I made Torrey let me take her picture when we got to school because she always wore her hair like this when she was little.  I haven't seen her wear it in this fashion for quite some time.
 I have seen this view while on the playground for the past 5 years ... it only took me 700 days to finally take a picture of my view!
 Closer view ... love seeing the tip of the steeple of the sanctuary through the trees.
 Torrey and I made a stop one Wednesday night while killing time until dropping Torrey off at youth group.
This was my view before our meal arrived.  Sometimes technology isn't such a good thing ... although she would probably disagree. 
 I lost my charm bracelet.  Dean replaced it and put on two more charms.  Stella (one of my Kinderfriends) asked me one day why I had a garbage can on my bracelet ... it makes me giggle every time I look at that little coffee cup.
 Got this exciting text message one morning ... it wasn't unexpected, but it was still exciting!  We will be getting a new niece/cousin on June 23rd next year.  Can't wait!
 This picture makes me laugh .... look past Sophie and you'll see Zoey sleeping on the couch and Zack sleeping on the floor.  Someone got a dose of bravery this night!
 Remember when I shared about little brother and sister coming home in this post?  Well, here is little brother sitting between two of his brothers.  He is loved.  And so is little sister.
 The moon.  In the morning.  I knew.  I knew it was going to be one of THOSE days.  It did not disappoint.  Oh, full moon .... how I despise you.
 We have spent a lot of time watching this.  A lot.  A lot.  We have a week and a half left of the season ... Dean and I are beyond giddy.  Because between games and practice the getting home after 6:30 at night is on my last nerve.  
 It rained.  As in water from the sky.  And I ran from window to window watching ... and cheering ... and clapping ... and laughing.  We are in the middle of a terrible drought ... any amount of water from the sky is met with pure joy.  Partly because of the water ... partly because for even a bit it drops our temperature down below the 100 mark.  This has been the hottest summer/fall season on record ... still not complaining about it though.  Although the day it went to 95 I started wishing for a sweater ... which is what 45 days over 100 will do to you.
 This bumper sticker made me laugh ... and hope for the future.  
 Some of our wins are ugly ... the girls actually pulled a win out of this score (you have to win by 2) ... we enjoy the wins more than the losses.
 These arrived at our house one day ... thanks Tom Brady.
 Pumpkin season is here.  I knew it as soon as I saw these at Target ... pumpkin pie pop tarts.  Delicious.
 Senior Formal is coming October 8th.  Torrey has been invited by a boy in her class.  Which means dress shopping with Torrey.  She has to wear a floor length black dress.  We took pictures of our options and texted back and forth with my sister ... she helped us pick a winner.
 After dress shopping, we stopped for a quick lunch at Smash Burger ... and sent this picture to Dean along with a "muahahaha".  Because it really is his and Torrey's spot.
 We made a quick stop at Home Goods for apothecary jars and this little mouse ran close to my foot.  A mouse chasing frenzy ensued ...  eventually he was scared out of the store .... not before a woman jumped up on the shopping carts and Torrey was doubled over in laughter.  When we left the store, we saw him climbing the wall ... which was freaky, but meant we could get a good picture.  Torrey did the honors ... while I stood back.  Far back.
 Sophie comes down every morning ... before the dogs get up.  This morning I spotted her sitting in the sink.  Weird and cute all at the same time.
 We are growing butterflies in my classroom ... here are the caterpillars that are ready to turn into a chrysalis.  This was the first year we actually got to watch one turn into a chrysalis before our eyes.  God is amazing.
 Dean ate pudding ... and then did pudding face.  Which made me laugh.  And laugh.  And laugh.  It still makes me laugh.
One of my sweet Kinderfriends brought these in for me ... and immediately told me to "eat one" ... um, no.  He thought it was hilarious that he brought them in for me.  I should have taken a picture of the joy on his face!

So there you have it ... iPhriday ... two months late!  Hopefully my blogging ability will not be as sporadic in the future.


Jennifer McGregor said...

finally. i've been bored all this time.

Al & Judy Melton said...

I agree with Jennifer... It's about time!!! (that you updated the blog). But Torrey is TOO YOUNG for long black formal dresses and high heel shoes! Just sayin'