Friday, November 13, 2009

Life Lesson in a Fortune Cookie

Today was the culmination of a unit study on Asia in 1st grade. And there was a most delicious feast in the afternoon. And, my peoples hooked me up. There was a fortune cookie, and I actually got a "fortune" that made me go "hmmmm." (Instead of the usual "laugh at what is funny" or some other let's just state the obvious fortune!)

You will learn a great lesson. It will present itself to you subtly.

There is nothing subtle about what has been running through my heart in the past few days. Nothing subtle at all.

It must be said (again) ... I am a teacher. I am paid to care for 16 little ones for 180 days. I am paid to be a part of their life for one year. I am paid to be a part of this season in their life. I am paid to be a part of their story.

And, it is humbling.

And, it must be said, I would do it for free.

A few weeks ago, our Head of School reminded us that we do not know what our students are facing at home. We only know for sure what they face in our classroom. (And, even then we sometimes completely miss it.) And, for some of these kiddos, what they face at home would bring a grown man to his knees.

I teach at a Christian College Prep School. We will pay more for Torrey's 8th grade education than I paid for two years of my college tuition. These are children of privilege. Children who have difficult lives just like any other child on any other street in any other city in our country or any city in the world. Life is just hard.

And, for some of my students, the only way they will hear the name of Jesus is in my classroom. I was teary this week as I heard sweet D. sing "Jesus Loves Me" (over and over and over again in a very loud voice!) ... When he saw me looking at me he proclaimed, "Mrs. Townsend, I love Jesus so much!" You would be teary too if you knew the country his family is from and if you knew that his family is a family who has him at our school for the education and not because it is a Christian school. I hope his family knows that they WILL be Christians ... because their sweet boy already has a heart for Jesus and soaks up every bit of Him like a sponge.

For some of my kiddos, my classroom will be their only soft spot. Their only haven. Their only place where it will be OK to not be perfect. Their only place where grace will be given.

I have been challenged to be a light to these 16. My prayer is that my words would be sweet and my spirit would be gentle ... that they would know how much I love Jesus because of how I loved and treated them. I pray that they would become superstars for Christ ... that they would be the leaders in their classes as they grow ... not because they are great on the ball field, or can sing well, or are super smart ... but, because they love Christ.

I don't know what they go home to ... but, I do know what they come to school to. May it always be a safe spot that draws them closer to you, Jesus!


Jennifer McGregor said...

Well spoken! I love how much you care for your little ones, and that you recognize the responsiblity you have, and take it so seriously! Love you!

Al & Judy Melton said...


to what Jen said!

FYI ... I am not the one who forwarded your blog to the school administrator... just in case he cuts your pay ... YOU are the one who said you would work for free!!!! love ya, dad

grannimcd said...

I totally echo Jen's sentiments! You are the greatest. I wish Austin and Ellie could come to your class.