Sunday, November 8, 2009

Balancing Act

Mothers are amazing. We walk a tight rope every day to meet the needs of our families ... all amid raising littles, working full-time jobs, caring for elderly parents, volunteering in the community and church, going to the grocery store.

All without a net.

Lately I have felt like my feet aren't actually on the rope. Rather I am holding on for dear life. And, today it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I need balance in my life.

Because my focus has not been where it needs to be. My attention has been focused solely in one area. All of my attention ... to the point that everything around me is falling apart.

And, so tonight I am giving myself permission to come home from a FULL day of teaching without homework. Because I have been bringing home this or that or the other thing to the point that when I get home I am spending most of my evening finishing this project or that project.

And, before you think I will suddenly become a bad teacher ... for the next two weeks I will not be able to leave school until 6:00 because of play practice. I think an 11 hour day is more than sufficient to complete my work.

So, that is my new goal. To not bring home work ... except for one day a week when I will complete my lesson plans. Pray that I will be able to accomplish this. Hold my feet to the fire. Keep me accountable.

My prayer this week is for balance. Balance. Balance. Balance.


Steve said...

I'm on my way to the store right now to buy matches!!! Talk to you soon Sis!

Jennifer McGregor said...

This sounds like a MUCH better plan for you... what ARE you going to do with all your FREE time?!?!?