Friday, July 29, 2011


I just realized that this is the last iPhriday of July ... which means the summer is just about over.  Torrey heads back to volleyball practice on Monday (two-a-days) and my school year officially starts the following Tuesday.  Some years I hit this point and want to throw a big two year old fit.  Not this year.  I am somewhat ready to go back.  Now, that isn't to say that by the end of August I won't be wishing for Summer, but right now I am looking forward to getting back into a routine.

But, today isn't about that ... it is about this past week in pictures.  All taken from the iPhone (which I still love).  Enjoy!
 I spent Monday with part of my team from school planning for this school year. And, while I am looking forward to next year, you really cannot go to an all day planning session without coffee.  Grande please.
 I made a stop at Target and sent this picture to Jen ... along with the message about the number of box tops on the package of Kleenex.  Carly's school collects box tops and I drive my family crazy with my obsession to save them so Carly can win a prize.  I'm wondering if I should go into therapy.
 This is the back of my car ... from the same trip to Target ... BEFORE I put anything in my car.  Everything you see in my car is for school.  And, my pile is growing.  Got to love back to school.
 Sadly the 4:30 on the clock is not for the afternoon.  Insomnia is alive and well this week.  I have had the worst time sleeping ... clearly I am a girl who needs a routine!
What? Doesn't everyone take a picture of their cat sitting on the counter next to a banana at 4:30 in the morning? I am not kidding when I said I need a routine ... but once I have one again you won't be seeing random pictures like these!

Happy iPriday!

1 comment:

Jennifer McGregor said...

ok, the cat on the counter made me laugh right out loud (as in "LOL", and you know I hate to use that "abbreviation" for some reason) anyways, I laughed because it made me remember when our cat got on OUR counter when you were here and I yelled and yelled at her, and you said, "what? they aren't allowed on the counters?" like it was a normal, everyday incident. HA! Also, Carlita thanks you for the BoxTops!