Thursday, March 25, 2010

Coming Up for Air

We made it home from Israel on Monday night.  Late on Monday night.  We had a two day detour in London.  Not our choice, but a good time was had by all.

We flew into Dallas late, which caused us to miss our flight to Houston ... fortunately we were within driving distance.  Well, fortunately for Torrey and I.  Not so much for Dean.  We thought we were living right when we looked at the clock and it was almost 10:00.

At 10:15 we remembered we didn't move our clocks ahead before we left.  It wasn't 10:15, but 11:15.  I wanted to cry. 

I went to school the next day.  Do I really need to say that teaching Kindergarten and jet lag do not go together?  I am still tired.  Trying to make it to the weekend to get some rest. 

Unfortunately for you, in my exhaustion, I have totally forgotten a hilarious conversation between two of my littles this morning.  At the time I immediately thought "Blogworthy!" ... maybe it will come back to me, but, don't hold your breath!

Pictures are coming.  They are amazing.  Our trip was amazing.  So thankful we could go.  So thankful.

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