Friday, July 17, 2009

Linky Linky Linky

As I blogstalk, I occasionally come across some things that are too good to keep to myself. And, so tonight I have a few things that I must share. Enjoy!

First, enjoy this sweet Gotcha! video of a stranger baby from TN. She was born in Ethiopia and traveled around the world to reach her forever family ... I warn you ... the women who cared for her loved her ... you will weep when they tell her goodbye.

And, here is some information of our Gracyn. She continues to do well ... and gives God all the glory. Oh, and here is a video of her singing at FBC/O ... you will weep.

And, finally, pray for this little stranger girl ... Kate McRae. Less than 3 weeks ago she was diagnosed with brain cancer. Her parents are praying for a miracle and living every parents worst nightmare. But, God has not left them. He does care. And in the midst of their sorrow He did this (from Kate's mom, Holly) ...

I wanted to share a story that happened yesterday (this is one of many.) We were in the waiting area, passing time, and I saw what I thought to be a goldendoodle dog. I asked the ladies if my daughter could see the dog. You see a little over a month ago we moved into our home in Gilbert. Kate was convinced this meant we were buying a dog. She was relentless in her pursuit of getting a dog. She even tried to get her dad to buy me one for Mother's Day. We kept putting her off, but discussed options anyway, knowing she would eventually win. Goldendoodles were at the top of the list (they are a cross between a golden retriever and a poodle.) So, when I saw the dog in the hospital, I thought she might like to see her. When I told the ladies Kate's name, they said they were actually coming to see her! I told them of Kate's interest in Goldendoodles and the woman smiled. She said that she had a breeder who would love to give one of her Goldendoodles to a child in need. The breeder told this woman that she would know when she met the right child. And then there was Kate. So today she offered our dear Kate her very own Goldendoodle. Why do I tell you this? Let me say, it does not lessen the pain of Kate's condition. It does not ease the ever present ache in our souls. However, it is a reminder that God sees. He sees our child's pain. He sees our suffering. And, right in the midst, in different ways, He has not forgotten and not forsaken us. Our tears still fall, and our hearts still break, but we know our God is near.

I have pondered these words since I read them - with tears coursing down my cheeks. I cannot imagine this sweet family's pain. I would not want to walk their path. But, in this moment of their sorrow, their pain, their heartache, they are living a sermon to the world. God is good. God is good. God is good.


Jennifer McGregor said...

I almost quoted Holly's comments on my blog, too! completely amazing what this family is going through...

grannimcd said...

Why oh why oh why did I click on that adoption link of Lucy Lane????? And, as I sit here weeping, how could I not have clicked???? Thanks for sharing....

And for the update on that sweet Gracyn. What a testimony and encouragement she is!