Thursday, June 11, 2009

She's So Good ... Maybe Not

So, tonight Zoey was looking so adorable and I commented to Dean that she is such a good dog ... and, then he reminded me how "good" she is. Let's see ... she has eaten (EATEN!) my Pottery Barn rug in the dining room, she has peed and pooped on same rug, barked like a banshee at her own shadow, melted down at a thunderstorm in the middle of the night, eaten (EATEN!) the wall (oh, you read that correctly ... she has eaten more than one wall in our house ... right through the dry wall), she leaves her toys spread all over the house, she has chewed 3 electrical cords (she got shocked the last time ... and ruined a lamp in the process ... here's hoping a lesson has been learned!) and enjoys tormenting her brother by standing right beside him while he eats (and growls) ... oh, she is so good. So good. It's a good thing she is cute!

UPDATE: Our "good" dog was caught chewing our coffee table. She was sitting at our feet happily gnawing away. And, we couldn't be prouder. Not sure if she is all cavalier or part goat ... my vote is for part goat! Who knows what mischievous tomorrow will bring. Anyone want a dog/goat?!


Jennifer McGregor said...

She could be the reason we have cats. hey, when's daisy mae making her blog appearance?

Tracy said...

Daisy Mae will make her appearance on the blog when I celebrate her funeral. Was that mean? We are not friends. At all.

Steve said...

Tell Zach that he has my complete sympathies! I too know how it feels to have an annoying sister that lives to bother you. Thankfully for me, she lives in NH.

Laurie said...

Nice save for Tracy but you scored NO POINTS here Steve.